
How do I find activities for my child?

General Information
While you can easily browse the Activities page when you are not logged into your child's account or do not have an account logging in makes it easier to browse and join activities. If your child does not have an account please read this article and if you are unsure on how to login please read this article.

  1. Navigate to your local CCOL website and click the Activities tab under the Explore section in the main navigation at the top of the page.
  2. Once you are on the Activities page you have a few ways in which you can search the available activities.
    • Top Search Area - You can use the "Im Interested In" search box at the top of the page to search for possible activities by using keywords or tags. For instance if you were looking for coding activities for your child simply type the word "coding" into the search box and click the blue "Search" button to the right.

      Additionally you can narrow your search down even further using the method mentioned above as well as clicking the blue "Options" button. The Options button will let you perform a more refined search by allowing you to filter by Neighborhood, Zip Code, Activity Location, Activity Type, Age and Date range.
    • Topics to Explore - The Topics to Explore area located on the left of the Activities page will let you perform a refined search by placing the available activities into topics/categories only showing the available activates for the selected topic/category.
    • View All - The final way you are able to search for activities is by looking through all of the available activities in increments of 25 at a time. Simply scroll down the Activities page looking through all of them and once you get to the bottom of the page you will see a blue "See More' button, clicking that button will load the next group of 25.
  3. Once you have found an activity that you would like to enroll your child in you can click on that activity and you will be able to read specific information about it as well as join the challenge if you would like.
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