
Setting An Alternative Schedule For Your Program

Set Alternative Schedules For Your Learners
If your Program meets only on specific days of the week, you can now represent that during Program creation instead of just putting it in the description.  This will allow Learners to get a better sense of when your program is running without having to contact your organization directly.

Before proceeding, please check with your CCOL organization administrator to make sure that you have an admin account set up with the proper permissions.  Please refer to this article to learn more about the different types of admin access.

Setting an alternative schedule is similar to setting a general schedule:

How To Set An Alternative Schedule For A Program

  1. Log in to the Org Dashboard and click Add Program from the Overview page or the Program page to begin creating a program.  You can also begin by editing an existing program.
  2. On the "Program Date and Times" panel, set a Start Date and End Date, and then select the "Schedule Day of the Week, Start and End Time" option from the Schedule Type drop down menu: 
  3. Check the box next to each day of the week that your Program runs, and enter the Start and End time for those days.  Note: Unlike the general schedule, the alternative schedule requires that you enter a Start and End time for each each day of the week selected.  If your program is all day, enter 12am for the Start time and End time: Screen_Shot_2018-06-06_at_10.34.51_AM.png
  4. Once your schedule is set correctly, proceed through the following panels and Publish your Program. 
  5. Note: Currently, alternative scheduling only allows setting uniform weekly schedules for a Program. Non-uniform scheduling, for example holiday closures, amended schedules on single days or early/late opening or closures should still be noted in the Program description.
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